Discussing. Exchanging. Learning. Laughing. Together.
Free from politics. Medic topics only.
First Sunday of each month: 8:30 a.m. (Berlin time) invited Talk
Every other Sunday: 8.30 am (Berlin time) informal meetings with Q&A or Quizzes (sent via mail)
We are a team of ENT specialists, nurses and technicians working in Myanmar since 2010. We have been hosting workshops on middle ear pathology and performing middle ear surgery with local colleagues. Bilateral teaching and friendship are our goals.
The pandemic and military coup have not allowed travelling, however through virtual sessions we have keep teaching and friendships alive and thriving.
In this spirit we launched "Sunday online meetings“.
We meet with colleagues from several different countries to discuss challenges in ENT:
First Sunday every month at 8:30 AM time (Berlin) -> invited talk
Other Sundays at 8:30 AM time (Berlin) -> Q&A or Quizzes (sent via mail)

CARE ...
Different characters, opinions, and experiences - one goal:
healing human bodies and souls

“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.”
How it all started.
More than 10 years ago, Eberhard founded the charity: “European Association of Global Lecturing ENT e.V.” which is shortened to “Eagle”.
Eagle-ENT consists of a group of idealists who support (ENT) medicine worldwide. Most of the volunteers are from Bavaria, Germany, which ensures the team working closely together to provide the highest levels of organization and support in education, technical equipment, and communication.
The vision is to provide support for our colleagues worldwide.
To teach, so that they can teach. To exchange ideas.
Visit us:
Read more:
Speth MM, Biesinger E. Maintaining contact with clinical colleagues in Myanmar. Lancet. 2022 Oct 22;400(10361):1401. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01897-9. PMID: 36273473.
In Myanmar it brings luck to free birds.
We are lucky and thankful for our worldwide medic community.